Fleap Finance

What’s on the Fleap side?

Welcome to the Fleap-side! 👋🏼 

A little over a year ago, we set out to build a reliable system that bridges the gap for immigrants, who cross borders to chase their dreams, in their new country. Your trust and support fuelled Metal’s journey and we are extremely grateful for it. We couldn’t be more appreciative of the faith you’ve placed in our vision to empower immigrants and build better futures for themselves, and loved ones back home.

Now, we’re thrilled to welcome you to our evolved state, Fleap! This rebrand embodies the spirit of growth, adaptability and strength that defines us all. As we’ve progressed on our journey, we recognize the big, bold and beautiful steps required to unlocking financial freedom. Together, we would be helping over 3 million dream-chasers take those steps, moving them forward, with freedom, to a better life. 

Our core values remain unshaken – innovative, bold, caring. At Fleap, we’re more than just a bank, we’re a cultural bridge. Enabling seamless global transactions, fostering connections with loved ones across borders, and preserving the cherished heritage that defines our identity. We understand that your journey is not just about numbers; it’s about chasing your dreams, preserving your roots and staying connected with what matters most.  

What’s on the Fleap side?

First off, Zero Fees! We’re pleased to inform you that all Fleap money transfers are free to all of our destination countries, helping you save money when you send money home at jaw-dropping rates.

The app also got a makeover. A new look, pixeled perfectly for a better experience, making money friendlier for you to work with. We’ve also added some user guides to show you around your new money workspace, you should totally check it out now.

There’s a lot more incoming for you soon, bringing back some of your favorite features and rolling out new ones to make your jump to financial freedom a lot smoother than you expected. We’re bringing all our friends in on this one also, so stay tuned for all the exciting news.

To our community of dream-chasers, we’re again more than thankful for your support and feedback. Your stories inspire us daily to building this global ecosystem where dreams take flight. Get ready for innovative features, meaningful partnerships, and engaging community events. Stay tuned for exciting developments that will enhance your financial life. 

Ready to take that bold step to financial freedom? We’re here to help you flip the switch!
Join us on this exciting chapter as we bridge borders and build futures towards a better life!

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